




I joined the CSROC as an executive secretary in the end of 2011. My first mission is that join the SEARCC2011 and related workshop. The meeting hosts in Mumbai . I have been India in July . I can not image that I will come back to India so soon!. In the first day, we have the closed meeting for CSROC. The meeting discussed about the work items in the next year and so on.


ifip is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences. It is recognized by United Nations and other world bodies
represents IT Societies from 56 countries or regions, covering all 5 continents with a total membership of over half a million.

In the meeting , ifip also joins the meeitng to look for cooperation with SEARCC. Taiwan can not join ifip , because it is recognized by United Nations . Right now, Taiwan can join the ifip working group as a SEARCC memeber.



CSI (Computer Society of India) is the local computer society of SEARCC (South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation ). They made the journals and books.




In the opening for SEARCC 2011, Republic of China (ROC) is also be invited to join the tranditional way opening.

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